Mark Gilbert On What To Expect From ATN’s Customer First Dealership Sales Process Training

Automotive Training Network CEO Mark Gilbert points out that in this digital age, customers can search for information anytime, anywhere. The Customer First Dealership Sales Process Training teaches your team the value of sharing information with your customers. 

In what is called the “Truth Selling Strategy,” your team learns how to build trust and rapport with today’s client. After the application of this training, your business will end up with “Life-Cycle” customers.

Tracking Tools

As a manager of both your sales team and dealership sales process, you need to have a clear view of what is going on with each customer in real-time. The Customer First program gives you essential and up-to-date information on your team’s progress. Mark Gilbert stresses that simple installation of tracking tools into your system will teach your people accountability and promote transparency.

Not Just About Cars

The Customer First training package goes beyond selling cars. It trains each of your salespeople to become an expert on why you are the best dealership to buy from. The training will teach you how to create or improve your company image and branding. Your staff will also be as skillful in selling your brand as they sell cars.

All About The Customer Experience

Unique customer experience should be your dealership’s number one priority, and the training program will tell you how to provide that. Your customers will be more than satisfied after doing business with you. Mark Gilbert says that they will rave about their experience, and they will tell more people about it.

The Customer First Training program is made up of a set of experts, and creative strategist who will help you draw up a one of a kind dealership sales process that will set you apart from the competition. 

Mark Gilbert points out that after your training is complete, you will have turned your customers into lifelong friends of your business. If you want to know more about this training program, check out the ATN website today. 

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