Mark Gilbert Offers Car Dealer Tips for Building Lifelong Customers

Automotive Training Network CEO Mark Gilbert points out that the cornerstone of customer loyalty is excellent customer service. No matter how great your products and offerings are, no customers will come back if they had poor customer experiences with your dealership.  If you want to increase repeat business and strengthen your referral base, here are some …

Mark Gilbert On What To Expect From ATN’s Customer First Dealership Sales Process Training

Automotive Training Network CEO Mark Gilbert points out that in this digital age, customers can search for information anytime, anywhere. The Customer First Dealership Sales Process Training teaches your team the value of sharing information with your customers.  In what is called the “Truth Selling Strategy,” your team learns how to build trust and rapport with today’s …

Mark Gilbert Recommends Ways to Motivate Your Sales Team

As Mark Gilbert knows, the competition for getting those sales can be pretty steep, especially with over 17,000 car dealerships across the nation. The idea of having to compete against other locations across the state can be pretty daunting.  It becomes even more essential to have a team that is sufficiently motivated and prepared to …

Mark Gilbert: Car Dealership Marketing Strategies You Should Try This Year

It’s easy to say that car dealership marketing has not changed much in the past forty years, but Mark Gilbert says customer behaviour has changed a lot. It is true that 95% of car sales take place inside the dealership premises, but online advertising has completely overhauled the way people find cars to buy and …

Mark Gilbert Gives Tips to Enhance Customer Experience in Car Dealerships

For Mark Gilbert, the customer experience within the dealership is one of the most critical aspects of running a sales floor. It’s all about the buyer experience: if they feel comfortable, heard, and if they see and hear things that they like out on the dealership, it’s far more likely that you’d be able to …

Mark Gilbert on the Importance of Training Your Staff in the Dealership Industry

Mark Gilbert has an extensive history in the automotive industry, as well as handling and managing the staff in his dealerships. He places great importance on training his staff, as he believes the people running the dealership can make or break it. Making or closing the sale, coming up with better marketing strategies, and more: …

Mark Gilbert Outlines Critical Qualities of a Leader in the Automotive Industry

It is not a stretch to say that Mark Gilbert knows the qualities of an automotive industry leader better than anyone. He’s one such leader himself. With 35 years of industry experience under his belt, dealer principal of no less than eight dealerships, and a nationwide speaker on the industry, there’s no doubt that he …

Mark Gilbert: Two Habits of Highly Effective Car Dealerships

Mark Gilbert understands the role of the manager in a car dealership. Many managers just sit at their desks and gaze at sales numbers instead of actually engaging their salespeople. However, this management style leads to high employee turnover and a lack of control over sales. Mark Gilbert suggests that car dealership managers adopt the …

Mark Gilbert Weighs in on Pay According to Skill Levels

Dealership trainer Mark Gilbert agrees with other experts in saying that the current system of paying technicians a flat rate should be overhauled. Meanwhile, most also agree that a pay scale depending on technician skill level should be adopted. Supposedly, a flat rate or commission-based system, while still being used today, is not maximizing the …

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